
Our history

Eletrafo began as repairing of electrical transformers. The production is located a Mesero near Milan; the establishment is owned and consists of 800 mq.
Over the years in addition to repair has been able to maintain a domestic production of transformers in oil, resin and dry in the classroom using H interior design, its technical and of skilled workers.
In a short time was able to expand its customer base thanks to the products offered are of good quality, high reliability and offer excellent quality/price ratio.
It been able to develop its sales network both at National and European level. Eletrafo is able to satisfy all types of customers with repairs, maintenance and supplies of any kind of transformer in both oil and dry resin. It can also provide replacements for new machines with the same characteristics and overall dimensions of transformers to be replaced

All transformers are checked during production and tested in the testing room with the latest equipment where it is released on the test report complying with CEI-IEC 60076.

And evolving:

  • Has obtained the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification

He completed his studies and projects on the transformer sto meet the special needs of transformers immersed in an oil bath mineral transformers converters for traction and induction furnaces

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