Production oil transformers
Construction criteria
Insulating oils normally used are :
- Mineral oil obtained from the fractional distillation of crude oil. Features of this type of liquid is to not contain inorganic acids, alkali, sulphur dissolved, asphaltic products, vegetable or animal oils or other impurities. Type of oil A.A. IEC standard.
- Silicon oil. This type of oil in addition to having excellent insulating power, has the special feature to extinguish and the spread off lame.
- Oil Midel 7031
Each transformer is subject to acceptance tests established by the CEI and IEC and tested in the our testing room, where they performed the following tests :
- Measurement of the transformation rations
- Check polarity and angular displacement
- Insulation tests with alternating voltage
- Measurement of the chemical resistance of all windings accessible
- Measurement of no-load losses and no-load current
- Measurement of load losses and short-circuit voltage
- Insulators porcelain MT
- Porcelain insulators BT and neutral
- Switch off the MT side operated with voltage transformer
- Filler cap for transformers with conservator – pressure relief valve for transformer hermetic filling
- Sliding wheels
- Oil drain valve
- Sockets ground steel
- Nameplate
- Dial thermometer with two electrical contacts
- Relais Buchholz vertical (up to 1250 kva ) or horizontal (more than 1250 kva) with two electrical contacts
- DGPT 2 for hermetic transformers
- Transformers 60 Hz frequency
- Dumpsters MT-BT
- Special needs of the customer
Quality control and certification
The entire production of Eletrafo is based on the application of all phases of the process, quality system according to
– UNI EN ISO 9001 –
– ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System
Collaudi - Norme di riferimento
Durante le varie fasi del processo di produzione, vengono effettuate le prove che fanno riferimento alle istruzioni operative sistema qualità. Tutti i trasformatori vengono collaudati secondo le norme CEI-IEC con prove di routine eseguite nella nostra sala prove. Le prove di tipo sono eseguibili presso un laboratorio esterno (ad esempio, CESI – Milano), con costo aggiuntivo per ogni test.
I nostri trasformatorisono prodotti in conformità alle seguenti normative :
- Trasformatori in olio minerale : CEI 14.4 – IEC 60076 1/12 EN 50464-1
- Trasformatori a secco in aria : CEI 14.8 – IEC 726
- Trasformatori inglobati in resina : CEI 14.8 – HD 464 – IEC 60076 – 11